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- Msg: #7384 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 22-MAR-88 11:42 PM
- Subj: Klass Book
- From: Sysop
- To: All
- Have just received Phil Klass' newest book, "UFO Abductions: A Dangerous
- Game," in which he attempts to tear to shreds the entire abduction phenomenon.
- My copy was inscribed, "To Jim Speiser -- May you be spared." I'm just getting
- into it, but it seems a bit rushed, as if he wrote it over the weekend. The
- chapter on Travis Walton's abduction is quite interesting, not just because of
- what it says, but because of what it doesn't say. I'll have more to say on
- that point after I finish the book, but tonight I talked at length with Tracy
- Torme, who has written the script for the upcoming movie "Fire in the Sky"
- about the Walton affair. When I read him the pertinent parts of the chapter,
- he was practically frothing at the mouth. He has promised to write a rebuttal
- for ParaNet. Tracy and I have had many talks about the Walton abduction, and
- if he is right about even half the stuff he says, Klass is just plain all wet.
- I'll give you an example: In the book, Klass claims that Walton's crew chief,
- Mike Rogers, was way behind in his contract with the Forest Service, and
- nothing short of an act of God would prevent him from being penalized. So he
- created an Act of God -- or more correctly, Space Brothers. Klass theorizes
- that if Rogers could convince the Forest Service that the UFO incident so
- scared his workers that they refused to return to the site, that would fulfill
- the Act of God clause in his contract and he would be rewarded an extension.
- Thus the whole thing was a hoax created to save a $25,000 contract. What Klass
- DOESN'T tell you is that not only was Rogers NOT granted an extension, he lost
- the entire balance of the contract -- AND was unable to find work for a long
- period afterwards, AND lost his wife over the incident. All this to claim a
- - More (Y)/N/NS?
- $5000 prize from the National Enquirer. Yet neither he nor any of his workers
- has ever recanted the story -- EVEN THOUGH THE SAME TABLOID OFFERED EACH OF
- THEM $5000 TO RECANT!!
- <Continued>
- (REply Quit ?) (D F):
- Msg: #7385 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 22-MAR-88 11:44 PM
- Subj: Klass Book <contd> (R)
- From: Sysop
- To: All
- Tracy has asked me to ask ParaNet users what they think of the Walton
- abduction, and I promised to forward the highlights of our discussion to him.
- What do you think?
- Jim
- Reply(s) #7394 #7402 #7412
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #7394 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 23-MAR-88 02:16 AM
- Subj: #7385 - Klass Book <contd> (R)
- From: James Vincent
- To: Sysop (X)
- I don't know a thing about the Walton abduction. Anything in Memory Alpha that
- might help?
- -=James
- Reply(s) #7406
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #7406 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 23-MAR-88 07:22 AM
- Subj: #7394 - Klass Book <contd> (R)
- From: Sysop
- To: James Vincent (X)
- No, not yet. I'll try to upload something anon.
- Reply(s) #7445
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #7445 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 24-MAR-88 02:02 AM
- Subj: #7406 - Klass Book <contd>
- From: James Vincent
- To: Sysop (X)
- Well let me know son! Let me know!
- (REply Quit ?) (D F):
- Msg: #7402 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 23-MAR-88 03:34 AM
- Subj: #7385 - Klass Book <contd> (R)
- From: Craig Kraft
- To: Sysop (X)
- I have read a bit on it and i think it is a good, solid case. I think klass
- is all wet on this one, what does he say about Strieber?
- craig
- Reply(s) #7408
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #7408 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 23-MAR-88 07:31 AM
- Subj: #7402 - Klass Book <contd> (R)
- From: Sysop
- To: Craig Kraft (X)
- Don't know, haven't gotten that far into the book. But from his talks, he
- agrees that Whitley's chimney don't reach the roofline. But like you, he keeps
- bringing in the money aspect, and the "imaginative writer" aspect, as if
- people like Michael Shea, the government attorney-abductee, don't exist.
- Reply(s) #7433
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #7433 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 24-MAR-88 12:01 AM
- Subj: #7408 - Klass Book <contd>
- From: Craig Kraft
- To: Sysop (X)
- I havent heard about the Shea case, perhaps you could tell me about it. I have
- to agree that Whitley isnt playing with a full deck but then again I think the
- same think about Stephen King. Whitleys case should be taken aside from the
- rest of the cases i think because of the points Klass raises. Read the Hunger
- and you will see what I mean.....
- (REply Quit ?) (D F):
- Msg: #7412 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 23-MAR-88 08:19 AM
- Subj: #7385 - Klass Book <contd> (R)
- From: Jim Delton
- To: Sysop (X)
- I recieved Klass's book "UFO's: the public decieved" ANd have gooten part way
- thru it. He presents a pretty good casse for what he is saying on many of the
- incidnets. In regard to the travis Walton case, he raises some interesting
- anomolies about the whole situation and how the various people acted. At
- this point, I have serious doubts abluout the Travis Walton abduction.
- According to Klass, All the Walton's were into UFO, and had seen them on many
- many odc==cassions. They even had made plans for what to do if they saw oe
- near the ground. He goes into the testing of Walton's Urine samples which
- indicate that he was not honest. EIther the sample was not Walton's, as
- clao=imed, or Walton was not abducted and held as he claimed. Reccommmend you
- reserve judgment ulntil you get Klass's second book. (again, I lmust
- appoligize for this mess, I have incredible line noise on thees phone lines.
- Reply(s) #7418 #7435
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #7418 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 23-MAR-88 01:32 PM
- Subj: #7412 - Klass Book <contd> (R)
- From: Sysop
- To: Jim Delton (X)
- Jim:
- I have read "The Public Deceived." If Tracy is correct, the public HAS
- been deceived -- but not by Ufologists. Recommend YOU reserve judgement until
- Tracy files his rebuttal here. There is MUCH more to the case than what Klass
- presents.
- I'll give you one example -- "All the Waltons were into UFOs, and had seen
- them on many occasions"...utterly false, according to Tracy, who has
- interviewed the law enforcement officials involved. They all agree that none
- of the Waltons ever filed a UFO report with any of them. A lot of confusion
- stems from the fact that Travis' older brother, Duane, shot his mouth off to
- try to cash in on the publicity, giving the impression that they had planned
- this all along. That may very well be, but to get the other 5 participants to
- go along with the whole thing, pass lie detector tests, and stick to the story
- for 12 years? How did Duane and Travis accomplish that?
- Jim
- Reply(s) #7451
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #7451 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 24-MAR-88 08:25 AM
- Subj: #7418 - Klass Book <contd> (R)
- From: Jim Delton
- To: Sysop (X)
- As you may recall from the book, at least one of the witnesses has stated to
- Klass that lhe doubts that theer was any UFO but he can't prove there
- wasn'tand is concerned about being to public about that doubt. There is also
- the question of what would happen to the participants if they evey did admit
- it wa a hoax, they could be subject to civil or crimnal penalties. In
- addition, t=not all of the 5 were necessarilly in on the hoax. It may be that
- only Travis and Rodgers were in on it . THeir actions could lead one to that
- conclusion. Once they started the ball rolling in terms of "spotting" the UFO
- and starting the ruckus, and having travis jump out, and then having rodgers
- zoom away before any one else could get out and investigate could have all
- been preplanned. Also there is the question of why Rodgers disappeared for 2
- hours in the afternoon and why they left so late that particular day. Trying
- to cast doubt on the basis of how could they continue the hoax so long doesn't
- carry much wiegth when you think about how long such hoaxes as Real estate
- sales men selling desert land for 15 lyears to people back east without anyone
- ever catching on to the hoax.ALso,m I beileve that Klass ahd statment fro a
- number of people, including the principles that indicated that they had a long
- standing interest in UFO's
- Reply(s) #7457
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #7457 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 24-MAR-88 12:39 PM
- Subj: #7451 - Klass Book <contd>
- From: Sysop
- To: Jim Delton
- <1> All six claim to have seen the UFO, as far as I know. There is no question
- of one of them "doubting" there was a UFO. If they would go so far as to admit
- a doubt, I can't see any reason why they wouldn't own up to the whole thing
- being a hoax. <2> The statute of limitation expired five years ago, so there
- are no civil or criminal penalties at stake. <3> If the object itself were a
- hoax, from the descriptions given by all the witnesses, it would have taken
- Rogers more than two hours to rig it, and h e couldn' have done it alone. <4>
- Your Real Estate analogy is not valid, because it involves Big Bux. Until this
- movie deal came along, which is very recent, the witnesses profited from this
- precious little. It could be argued that they lost more than they gained. <5>
- A long-standing interest in UFOs is immaterial. Many people have a
- long-standing interest in UFOs. Do you think the alleged entities would choose
- only those who DON'T have an interest in them? Interest in the subject is a
- far cry from reporting UFOs often. I have a long-standing interest, yet have
- never reported one, nor have I even seen one.
- (REply Quit ?) (D F):
- Msg: #7435 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 24-MAR-88 12:12 AM
- Subj: #7412 - Klass Book <contd> (R)
- From: Craig Kraft
- To: Jim Delton (X)
- Why did they test his urine? That seems pretty strange to me.
- Reply(s) #7455
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #7455 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 24-MAR-88 08:43 AM
- Subj: #7435 - Klass Book <contd> (R)
- From: Jim Delton
- To: Craig Kraft
- It is a well know mediacl fact that people who go witlhout food, for a period
- of a few days, start to use up their reserves, fat, and in doing soone of the
- byproducts is acetone. People who are dieting often can even smell the oder
- fro the acteone in their sweat. I have had that experiance myself. So when
- Walton claims to have been abducted for 5 days and not given food, and to have
- lost 10 pounds as a result, lit is a kfact that he should be well into the
- acteone stage. When he returned, he provided a urine sample to the first
- doctor that examined him. Urinalysis, showed no abnormalities at all, and a
- complete absence of acetone. Therefore, either he was lying about the
- abductin and wiegth loss or he did not provide that urine sample but someone
- else did, probably his brother. One posible reason is that he was knkow to
- have used drugs in the past, and lmay have used them during the 5 days he was
- missing and didn't want drugs to show up in the urinalisys so he had his
- brother give the sample. Please excuse the gibberish....... Line noise
- generate by the UFO hovering over this computer!
- Reply(s) #7461
- (REply Quit ?) (D F): rr
- Msg: #7461 Sec: 1 - UFOlogy
- 24-MAR-88 12:58 PM
- Subj: #7455 - Klass Book <contd>
- From: Sysop
- To: Jim Delton
- I remember being curious about that myself. Will ask Tracy to comment on it --
- he did mention something about lowered electrolytes or something...
- As to drug use, he smoked marijuana when he was 14. Klass states in ABDUCTIONS
- that he came back without a scratch on him....not quite true, there was a mark
- on the inside of his left elbow, which the doctor speculated might be from a
- needle. Just in the interest of exactitude...
- (REply Quit ?) (D F):